Dear Mr. Kiersey,
We would like to take this opportunity to Thank You and your staff, for the time you afforded to our trainee drivers, who benefited from time spent with Green Tiger.
We would like to complement David Delaney and the drivers who took the participants on board and shared their expertise and time with them. The feedback from our trainees – was the obvious respect that Green Tiger have for their drivers.
We really appreciate the fact that, not only were the learners given an opportunity of being involved with your company, but the respect that was given to each one. Can you please pass on our appreciation to all who were involved.
Your sincerely
David Lambe
Too often we moan about bad service and don’t acknowledge good service.
Dave knows me long enough to know that we never push for a specific day but just like to know what the day
will be so that we can manage customer expectations.
I was told Thursday after lunch and guess what, it was Thursday after lunch.
Just wanted to say thanks folks , great service as always.
Nigel Brennan FCCA
General Manager
Hutton & Meade Ltd
Main Nissan & Hyundai Dealer
Northwest Business Pk, Ballycoolin, Dublin 15
T: 01-8366000
“You have just lifted my day. I have been on your site and read about Maureen Patricia O Sullivan and Katherine McCarthy. What fabulous names and people.
It would make you proud to be Irish !”
“Just a quick note to say many thanks for all your assistance at very short notice in getting the cars collected from the above dealership on Monday. Particular thanks to Jimmy, John and Michael for their professionalism in getting the cars loaded and off the premises so quickly, it really was like a military operation and the best I have ever experienced.
Please pass on my thanks to all and really appreciate the assistance your team provided on the day.
Kind regards and thanks again.”
(full name and company withheld at the request of the client)
I seen something that impressed me very much tonight. Eddie Stobart might have girls names on his wagons, but I’ve just seen Green Tiger car transporters with the names and faces of this nation’s Victoria Cross winners on them.
This countries highest honour and bravery award, given to it’s hero’s and usually earned posthumously.
Dave Dolan feeling proud at Ellesmere Port Scania.
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and all the staff at Green Tiger for being so helpful courteous and friendly to myself.
It is and always has been a pleasure doing business with yourselves. I am treated extremely well and in a very helpful manner.
Everything is done superbly and professionally. If at any stage we can help you in any way, please call.”
Pat Doyle, Walshs – 1 Hebron Park, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny.
Tel: 056 7702080, Email:
“We spent some time discussing the problem with the Green Tiger drivers.
Please can you convey my thanks with regard to their careful handling of the vehicles, and ongoing patience regarding the checks.”
Mark R Saunders Quality Manager, Finished Vehicle Logistics, Vauxhall Motors Limited, Griffin House, Mail Code UK1-102-225, Osborne Road, Luton, LU1 3YT, United Kingdom
Just a quick email relating to the drivers from Green Tiger.
This morning I overheard the staff from Belfast (who are working at Dublin for a couple of days) stating ‘the Green Tiger drivers are way ahead of other companies drivers when it comes to customer service, so much more helpful and friendly’.
Just a nice comment in these challenging times…
Michael Tomalin M.I.P.A.V. (NI) MCEI
Managing Director – City Auction Group
Belfast City Auctions: 10 Comber Road, Carryduff, Belfast BT8 8AN – Tel: 02890 813775 Fax: 02890 814518 Web:
Dublin City Auctions: Keatings Park, Rathcoole, Co Dublin – Tel: 00353 (1) 458 9430 Fax:000353 1 458 9807 Web: